Mental Health Advocacy

To support the advancement of mental health policy in New York City and beyond, CIMH has launched the CIMH Mental Health Advocacy group to help bridge research outcomes with community engagement, outreach, and policy change. It is composed of staff, faculty, and students at CUNY Graduate School of Public Health and Health Policy who are passionate about integrating community and key stakeholders’ input, along with evidence-based research outcomes, into improvements for mental health outcomes. It is also joined by community collaborators from Harlem with shared interest in improved access to mental health resources and services.  

Its main goals are to:

Disseminate research findings and inform policy recommendations at the school, community, and city level and

Provide support to ongoing community mental health advocacy efforts

Our Mission

Disseminate research findings and inform policy recommendations at the school and community level  

Convene mental health policy experts, system leaders, and community partners to address policy issues



  • Environmental scan for CUNY SPH MH services/ programs 
  • Develop list of recommendations for SPH Dean’s Advisory Group 
  • Develop briefs on CIMH research and disseminate on project website 


  • Translate research findings into community presentations 
  • Attend community events and town halls to assess current landscape

Policy Internships

Coming soon